Sunday, January 20, 2008

Top 8 Ways New Yorkers are Different from Everybody Else

1) They expect to find a good bagel, no matter where on earth they happen to be.

2) They think the whole country is politically liberal--just like they are.
a) Recall the embarrassing story from the 1970s about what film critic and liberal Pauline Kael said when she couldn't believe Nixon got voted into office: "I don't know a single person who voted for him!"
b) Another one: a New Yorker friend of ours was in a car with us in suburban New Jersey a few weeks after 9/11. His comment after looking out the window at all the homes: "Jeez. What's with all the flags?"

3) They have NO sense of geography.
White Plains might as well be a suburb of Buffalo, NY. They think it snows a lot there. Paris they might know, but Paris, Texas is some God-forsaken place nobody would ever go to.

4) They think going out for Ethiopian food is more normal than eating meat and potatoes.

5) They all seem to be thin.

6) A surprisingly high percentage of them smoke.

7) They think nothing of paying $400 a month to park a car in a garage and paying $2500 a month (or more) for a one-bedroom apartment.

8) They think everybody else speaks with an accent.

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